Do Kids Need To Get Cavities Fixed?

Do Kids Need To Get Cavities Fixed?

Team Pediatric Dentistry

Have you ever wondered whether your kids should get cavities fixed? It may seem unimportant since it seems baby teeth eventually fall out anyway. But the truth is that cavities in baby teeth need to be treated because they can cause a variety of problems for kids. Baby teeth help guide permanent teeth into place, making them essential for speech and chewing.

If you’re wondering whether your child needs to get cavities fixed in baby teeth, it’s best to err on the side of caution. By allowing problems such as cavities to go unchecked in a child’s mouth, they could develop more serious issues later.

The Effect of Dental Problems on Children

Kids with dental problems may be distracted due to discomfort. This can make it more difficult for them to focus on learning and behaving in the way their teachers, parents, and other adults expect.

Baby teeth are not just for chewing food and forming words; they also play an essential role in your child’s overall health and development. For example, baby teeth help with speech development, chewing, and maintaining proper jaw alignment. Because baby teeth help guide permanent teeth into the correct position as they come in, it’s important to keep them healthy until they fall out on their own.

How to Tell if Your Child Has a Cavity or Dental Problem

A cavity is a hole that forms in the tooth’s enamel. It can be caused by bacteria that grow on the surface of the tooth, which then eat away at the enamel. If you see a white spot on your child’s tooth, it could be a cavity. 

Other signs include:

  • The tooth feels gritty or sticky.
  • The tooth looks dull and discolored compared to its neighbors.
  • The tooth may feel sensitive to hot or cold stimuli.

Schedule an appointment if you notice something wrong with your child’s teeth. If they have any symptoms of dental disease, bring them in for an exam right away so we can treat them before it becomes more serious.

When Your Child Should See The Dentist

Most dental care is preventive, so getting your child started on a lifetime of good oral health habits is important. 

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that you take your child to the dentist as soon as their first tooth appears or no later than their first birthday. It’s better to start earlier than later because early exposure and education about oral health can help prevent cavities and other problems in the future.

Even if your baby doesn’t have any teeth yet, they’ll still benefit from regular visits to the dentist. During these visits, your dentist will examine your child’s mouth and gums for signs of early cavities or decay. Your dentist may also clean baby teeth and apply sealants to prevent cavities from developing.

Pediatric Dentistry of the North Shore Can Help Keep Your Child’s Smile Healthy

Encourage your child to eat healthy foods and brush their teeth every day. Keeping their baby teeth healthy will help them be happier and healthier while they’re young and help their permanent teeth come in correctly.

If your child is ready for their first dental appointment or if you suspect a dental problem, contact us today. We look forward to starting your child on a lifetime of good dental health.